ELEPHANT HILLS, VICTORIA FALLS, ZIMBABWE – His Excellency President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, Cde Dr. Emmerson D. Mnangagwa, delivered a keynote address at the 9th Ordinary Meeting of the African Diamond Producers Association (ADPA) Council of Ministers on March 14, 2024, emphasizing the pivotal role of the diamond industry in Africa’s economic landscape and the necessity for collaborative efforts to address challenges and harness opportunities.

President Mnangagwa extended a warm welcome to delegates from across the continent, underscoring Zimbabwe’s honor in hosting such a significant gathering of key diamond producers. Recognizing the African continent’s dominance in global diamond production, contributing over 60% of natural rough diamond output, he stressed the importance of African states’ voices being heard and respected on the global stage.

Amid proposed unilateral restrictions on natural diamond trade by certain market players, President Mnangagwa urged for cooperation and solidarity among member states, emphasizing the need for extensive consultations to ensure the continent’s interests are safeguarded.

Highlighting Zimbabwe’s tenure as Chair of ADPA since 2023, President Mnangagwa expressed optimism in addressing challenges associated with new diamond export protocols and declining prices. He lauded Zimbabwe’s progress in the diamond sector, citing increased production output and revenue, driven by adherence to international standards and peaceful coexistence within mining communities.

The President commended initiatives in Zimbabwe’s Chiadzwa diamond fields, notably the formation of Zimbabwe Consolidated Diamond Company (ZCDC) and its Sustainable Community Enterprises and Development (SCED) program, aimed at empowering local communities through enterprise development and infrastructure projects.

Moreover, President Mnangagwa lauded efforts by mining companies like Anjin Investments and RioZim Murowa Mine in implementing community development projects, including housing, education, and healthcare facilities, showcasing a commitment to sustainable development beyond the lifespan of mining activities.

Emphasizing the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, President Mnangagwa underscored their role in fostering peaceful coexistence between mining companies and local communities, thereby securing a social license to operate.

Acknowledging the vital role of traditional chiefs in maintaining harmony, President Mnangagwa expressed gratitude for their presence and stressed the forum’s significance in apprising them of efforts to leverage diamonds for positive community impact.

On policy initiatives, President Mnangagwa outlined Zimbabwe’s commitment to local beneficiation and value addition, aiming to grow the domestic cutting and polishing industry while maximizing export proceeds. He underscored the alignment of Zimbabwe’s National Development Strategy with the vision of attaining an Upper Middle-Income Economy by 2030, with diamonds playing a pivotal role.

Encouraging continued exploration activities, President Mnangagwa urged participants to leverage technological advancements to drive growth in the mining sector. He cautioned against the threat posed by synthetic diamonds, advocating for the protection of natural diamond producers and responsible mining practices aligned with sustainable development goals.

In closing, President Mnangagwa emphasized the maintenance of high ethical standards and peaceful relations with communities, wishing participants fruitful discussions during the 9th Ordinary Meeting of ADPA Council of Ministers.

The President’s address underscored Zimbabwe’s commitment to harnessing the potential of the diamond industry for sustainable development and economic prosperity, signaling a collective resolve to address challenges and seize opportunities in the sector.

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