Engineer Gilbert Kaguru

In the heart of Matabeleland North’s Bubi District lies a beacon of technological prowess and entrepreneurial spirit: Waterwitch Mine, spearheaded by the visionary Engineer Gilbert Kaguru. Through a judicious blend of innovative technologies and strategic investments, Kaguru has propelled his mine to remarkable heights, unlocking its full potential and redefining productivity standards in the industry.

“In today’s dynamic mining landscape, achieving the ambitious gold production targets set forth by the Government demands a paradigm shift,” Kaguru asserts. “Investment in cutting-edge technology and expert guidance is paramount. Waterwitch Mine stands as a testament to the transformative power of deliberate growth strategies.”

Central to Waterwitch Mine’s success is a departure from conventional mining practices, as Kaguru emphasizes the recruitment of trained miners and a concerted effort to formalize operations. With a significant investment nearing a million dollars, the mine has embarked on ambitious expansion projects, including the sinking of new shafts and acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment such as hoists and excavators.

“We are on the cusp of a mining revolution,” Kaguru declares. “The integration of new technologies, from mechanized underground operations to advanced milling centers, underscores our commitment to sustainable growth.”

As Waterwitch Mine embraces innovation, Kaguru underscores the importance of expert guidance in navigating the complex mining landscape. “Too often, artisanal miners grapple with the lack of specialized knowledge,” he notes. “To achieve the Government’s lofty production targets, miners must prioritize professional guidance and embrace modernization.”

With a keen eye on future prospects, Waterwitch Mine is venturing into uncharted territory, exploring the potential of diamond drilling machinery for extensive exploration. This forward-thinking approach, coupled with a robust workforce exceeding 400 individuals, positions the mine as a catalyst for economic growth and community development.

“As stewards of the land, we recognize our responsibility to empower the communities we operate in,” Kaguru affirms. “Through comprehensive training initiatives, we aim to instill safe and sustainable mining practices, bridging the gap between informal operations and formalization.”

In a landscape ripe with untapped potential, Waterwitch Mine stands as a beacon of progress, symbolizing the transformative power of innovation and the boundless possibilities that lie ahead for Zimbabwe’s mining industry.

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