Kamativi Lithium Mine Set for Presidential Inauguration. Zimbabwe gears up for the official opening of the new Kamativi Lithium Mine next Friday, with President Mnangagwa expected to officiate at the ceremony. This significant development marks a revival for the Kamativi mine, which previously focused on tin until its closure in 1994.                                                                                                                                                                                                                The Kamativi Mining Company (KMC), a Joint Venture between Sichuan PD Technology Group, a subsidiary of China’s Yahua Group, and local partner Defold Mine (Private) Limited, has been instrumental in this transformation.

Driven by renewed investor interest under President Mnangagwa’s administration, KMC began operations in 2019, focusing on lithium exploration, mining, and processing

This strategic shift aligns perfectly with the government’s National Development Strategy, prioritizing domestic beneficiation and value addition for critical minerals before export, as highlighted by Mines Minister Zhemu Soda during his recent visit.

KMC has already made significant progress. Phase One of the mine is operational, producing 300,000 tonnes of raw ore and 50,000 tonnes of spodumene concentrate annually.

Phase Two, currently under construction with a mid-year completion target, will significantly increase production to 2.3 million tonnes of raw ore and 300,000 tonnes of spodumene concentrate per year

Beyond its economic contribution, the project has created employment opportunities. KMC directly employs 260 people, with an additional estimated 1,000 employed indirectly through downstream contracts.

The company is also committed to corporate social responsibility, undertaking initiatives in schools, clinics, road maintenance, and water provision. Plans for a solar project to boost energy generation are also in the works.

The inauguration of the Kamativi Lithium Mine signifies a positive step forward for Zimbabwe’s mining industry, showcasing the potential for growth and development through strategic partnerships and a focus on domestic value addition.

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